You may have been using the internet in your smartphones, tablets, and desktop. For the protection of our data, we all use various VirusScan Enterprises and Anit- Malware firmware such as McAfee products. McAfee products are easy to install and easy to use.

McAfee Not Installing Due To Javascript Error, McAfee Not Installing, How to Fix McAfee Not Installing Due To Javascript Error, Javascript Error while attempting to install McAfee, JavaScript error can't install McAfee, JavaScript error trying to install McAfee, McAfee Script error, mcafee preinstall tool script error

But If you having trouble installing McAfee product in your system, and the system is shown you an error that JavaScript is missing from your system. You need to follow the prompts to resolve McAfee not Installing due to Javascript Error.

McAfee Not Installing Due To Javascript Error  Reason

The main reason behind getting the “McAfee not Installing due to Javascript Error” is either Installation of third-party software that overrides JavaScript files or JavaScript File got damaged. JavaScript files are important to access web pages. But they are missing from your system, It becomes hard to access web pages. It means the component of your web browser is not linked with your operating system anymore and McAfee encounters “McAfee not Installing due to Javascript Error”.

Why Javascript Is A Requirement In McAfee Not Installing?

Before you start to understand the solution, ensure that we are talking here about javascript, not Java. Java and JavaScript, both are programming languages but used for different purposes. Java used for application development. Whereas Javascript is used for web development for a particular function such as creating a web page more interactive, receptive and user-friendly.
If JavaScript is missing from a system then you’ll see a difference in web pages while accessing them. The main reason to bring this into your notice because maybe of a similar name, you may have download Java into your system and meddling over the JavaScript error “why McAfee not Installing due to Javascript Error”.

How to Fix McAfee Not Installing Due To Javascript Error?

McAfee Not Installing Due To Javascript Error, McAfee Not Installing, How to Fix McAfee Not Installing Due To Javascript Error, Javascript Error while attempting to install McAfee, JavaScript error can't install McAfee, JavaScript error trying to install McAfee, McAfee Script error, mcafee preinstall tool script error

Solution 1

Using a JScript Tool 

  • You have to download the Jscript tool known as the Pre-Install Tool.   
  • After you download the PreInstallTool.exe file, execute it.
  • An installation window will appear on your system.
  • You have to read and follow the instruction
  • Select “I agree” on terms and conditions to allow the changes
  • After the Tool Installation completes
  • Select Ok
Now the JavaScript is automatically installed in your system by the JScript Tool, you have to install McAfee again, and check whether the solution resolves your McAfee Not Installing Due To Javascript Error or not. If in any case, you are getting the error, Go for the next solution.
Solution 2

Using CMD to Include Windows JavaScript into the system

  • Type command on search programs & files and press enter.
  •  Command prompt window will open in your system screen
  • Now, you have to enter the following  .dll files into the system :
“Regsvr32 vbscript.dll” file 
If all three files were registered in the system successfully. Make sure you don’t enter the above-mentioned files in a single command. After entering the first command, wait for it because the system will generate a message that whether your respective .dll file is registered or failed to register. Use a similar process for the next two commands:
Solution 3

Update your system Java application

You don’t have to update Java Instantly. Kindly, check whether you are using more than one version of Java applications or the Older version of Java. If you are using more than one version of Java applications or older versions. You have to uninstall all older versions and download the latest Java application from their official website.
  • To update Java application, Visit your systems’ control panel 
  • Search for Java App in the installed application section Under programs & features option
  • Right-click on it, and click on Updates.
Solution 4

Enable JScript through Web Browser

  • Initiate your default web browser
  • Click on Tools and select Internet options
  • An Internet options window will appear 
  • Select on the Security tab and ensure you are in the Internet zone.
  • A new security window will appear. 
  • Search for text scripting and Change it from disable to enable.
  • Click Ok to end.

After using the above-mentioned solution, you are free to install the McAfee product without any problem. But if you find yourself stuck at any point of the solutions for McAfee Not Installing Due To Javascript Error. You can contact us via call. We are here for you with our 24×7 services.